Brian & I stayed in Damjl. It is the original settlement, & there are a lot of sacred spaces & magical adventures to be had here!
Falco Tarassaco
Damanhur’s spiritual leader Falco Tarassaco channelled lots of information from past lives & other dimensions which guided the community.
I’m not exactly clear on the full function & integration of spirals into their spiritual vision, but it creates energy, & different spirals are charged for helping with particular problems, eg. Unity, feminine, masculine, changing logic, communication etc. Clarity was a problem here. Often when we asked questions we were given the answer “it’s complex”. That may be so but it also feels like a barrier they put up. Perhaps this is necessary for some time & some things until others can be more open & understanding rather than immediately judgemental & closed.
It sounds crazy in contrast to conventional living & what we are open to, but the people here seem very balanced & relaxed about the truth of it all. It’s like they have nothing to prove. They experience their truth & open their home & hearts (as much as they can) to visitors who are inquisitive. Wapiti, our guide, advised us to treat it as though we’re visiting another planet or ancient tribe & try to simply accept this is their way. I suggest you do the same!
Synchronic Lines
The point of all the ritual & sacred space here is because of the meeting of 4 “synchronic lines”. Falco revealed that these are energy paths that connect around the world but also to the cosmos to allow being(s) to travel, not just through space but even time & different dimensions. OK now you see why I wrote the last paragraph! 🙂
Purpose: changing the timeline!
The energy is high here and there is a real sense of purpose among the people. That purpose is to reconnect with our spiritual reality towards changing the timeline. Falco revealed that in 600 years there would be complete destruction of humanity. So different people & beings have incarnated & travelled here to change the timeline towards a better vision. They are not sure exactly what that vision is but they can check against the original time line at the event of natural disasters etc to see how we’re doing in comparison! They use methods of alchemy, divination, oracle, meditation, Selfica & other, to determine this. You’re probably wondering what is Selfica & this deserves a mention as it is a big element here!
Selfica is a technology, structure & healing & communication medium Falco channelled/remembered & taught, which connects people to other beings from a different dimension. It is based on the spiral & the materials are different precious metals. We got to visit their workshop, jewellers & a healer that uses Selfica.
To me they look like some kind of 1950’s science-fiction film prop & it was really challenging to hear & be open about it with our scientific materialist programming from school, society & media, but I have to say I noticed an energy around my head in the workshop. I thought, “OK my period is coming”! Then I forgot about it when we left for a break & then when we went to the healer’s studio with lots of them around again, I felt the exact same thing. I didn’t get any clear message or outcome but I did feel something!
Art in Damjl
The biggest & most important Selfica in Damanhur is “The Temples of Human Kind”, which is a mammoth display of artistic & spiritual endeavour. For now I just mention it but will write more soon. But here are the the buildings where we stay that give you a little flavour of it!
“Convoy” til next time! “convoy” means “I see you” & is a damanhurian term they use to greet each other instead of “ciao”, because they say ciao comes from the word “slave”! (“Conte” is the singular).