Damanhur nucleos 2 by rach


This was the second nucleo we visited. A person from our group stayed here. We had a sharing about ourselves the first day too & we found out they had a really traumatic abusive life. Unfortunately they really clashed with people in the group & the program wasn’t set up to support these types of problems, so the decision was made for them to drop out near the end, but not before we’d gone through a lot.

The main house at Magilla, with snow capped mountains to the right!


Dutch Henk & colourful Brian stand purposefully beside Wooden Hut residence at Magilla.

Exclusion/Inclusion & Communication

The theme of inclusion & exclusion is really close to my heart. I don’t believe exclusion is ever the answer but I understand some people & communities are just not able yet to deal with this. The issue with our group yet again showed me how important it is, at this time in our human evolution, to develop new compassionate structures for inner, interpersonal & group communication,  understanding, cohesion, decision making etc & thus healing & moving forward to a better life for all. This is something that Damanhur is trying to work on more & more especially since their spiritual leader, Falco Terassaco, died 3 years ago. It’s clear to me they have a lot of work to do but hearing about Italians as generally disorganized & chaotic, it seems they’ve also come a long way. But for now… More nucleos!

Pond which is part of the irrigation & water recycling systems.
Water filter house. Used water gets filtered in here & then goes back to the land. We couldn’t get in to see cos of recent rainfall it was all swampy around! But great to see they are ecologically aware. Damanhur is best known as a spiritual community & this is what we mostly we learned about but happily it seems ecology is a part of their spiritual vision too.
I just love moss!
Bitala is a temple that we could only look at from the outside

The next nucleo we visited was Porta della Luna (place of the moon).

Main house. Most of the main houses were already built & damanhur bought them. All buildings are owned by all damanhurians. However there are some private residences. There are also friends of damanhur that live in and around damanhur who join in on some things but are not damanhurians/residents of damanhur.
This man is one of the residents who works on the the land & maintenance on his “time off”. This is a filtering system for water. He works at damanhur “crea” a business & shopping centre in damanhur. All the businesses are run by damanhurians. He works in damanhur’s insurance company. People can insure their cars, houses, whatever, with him! This is damanhur life. Everybody does a lot. Personally I feel people could do with a little more time & space but Wapiti told us this is what they want to do in their time off, to contribute. I felt I didn’t get enough of a chance to find out for myself how true this isdo &/or why it is so, though people do seem to have a very strong dedication to damanhur which I think I might understand more if Falco their spiritual leader was still around. He seems to have been a very strong & loved glue!
Brian goes bananas! 😉
Spiral irrigation! It’s hard to see but spirals are a big big element in damanhur spirituality. They believe in the energetic power of the spiral to connect with universal healing, purification etc.
These standing stones are like those at stone henge etc and are believed to be antennae that connect each nucleo together & to the universal energies.


Livestock at Damanhur

Chickens and even cows & pigs are kept at damanhur. Damanhur is not a vegetarian community. But they have much more humane ways of keeping animals. Here the chickens have a very large range & look very healthy physically & in their interaction. We didn’t get to see the main agricultural nucleo, which is a shame, but we were told that even the slaughter is done in damanhur by a man who comes in & understands their spiritual principles. The animals are prepared energetically through rituals for their death, both for the animals & human spirits involved.

Some polytunnel agriculture
This special soil helps to filter the water. I can’t remember what or how!!! Boo.

Interspecies Communication

There are stories from the past where tribes would connect with the spirit of the animals and they would offer themselves to the people. But we have lost this inter species communication. I believe we have caused so much trauma in the animal kingdom & in our own hearts, through our domination of animals, that there needs to be time for this relationship to heal. Then trust can again be built up between the species & we can again connect & find out if we should eat animals. At Tamera they keep fish in their lakes but do not fish them. They are trying to built up this trust again.

Heart puddle!

Wow. It’s amazing to see how much we did & discovered as I write this. This is the tip of the iceberg.  Lots more to come!!

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