Leaving Damanhur and next steps…

Future temple of the “popolo spirituale”

So Damanhur have a new even bigger temple planned, and have permission to build it. This is to unite all the esoteric/spiritual/magical peoples, tribes and shamans of the world, so that their culture, knowledge and languages are not lost, and so they can support each other. It is set to cost over 40 million euro and will host a hotel, conference spaces, largest library in the world consisting of esoteric works, an outdoor ampitheatre and spaces where the people’s cultures are displayed in a living format. They don’t want it to be like a dusty museum. It looks epic. So if you are a shaman or have shaman friends that want to get involved, just get in contact!


Bye bye Bri

Brian got the chance to visit some friends on the way home. Cecily in Geneva, and Juliette in Bossay-sur-Claise, and Lucy in Wexford. He hadn’t seen them for ages, so there was great but all too short catching up.


Rach bye bye

I flew from Milan to Dublin on 31st May. On my drive to the train station with the Damanhurian ambassador for Australia, I got an invite to go with him to meet some Aborigines he’s been conneecting with over the last year and a half. Sweet! I left with a beautiful rose quartz given to me by a really sweet American woman who told me I was Love. I liked that. All in all this trip has been STUPIDLY AMAZING. I have learned so much, felt so inspired, felt so valued, by people and communities who are living their dreams, and their dreams are BIG and full of love!

What Next?

So we haven’t figured out a place to live as yet. The trip was always a possibility to find somewhere we might belong, but definitely a research to see what we like and don’t like, what would serve us and what we could serve. So far we can say we definitely want to go back to Tamera for their Love School, which is 4 days after we get married! haha!

For the immediate future, we’re onto Galway for Brian to earn some money busking on the streets & me to live the life of Reily, doing a few gigs, other bits & bobs, and finalising our wedding plans. I also hope to connect with a great guy in Galway, known as the moneyless man, who has a gift economy project there, called An Teach Saor (The Free House), to learn and contribute somehow. We’re also going to make up a pros and cons of each place and take things step by step. Nothing is certain and the mystery and wonder of the universe just seems to be unfolding bit by bit. We’re very open to see what comes next and hopefully we’ll keep on discovering and contributing more and more to create the kind of community we’d like to be a part of and we will find our place when we’re meant to!


Our next post will be a more condensed pros & cons type comparison of each place. For now we are going to let things settle and get our thoughts in order and back to reality!

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