The natural landscape of Andalusia, & sunseed locally, is stunning as you can see! But the hidden details are the real gems! The caves & the poza played a big role for me (RACH) & many others here for much needed retreat, adventure, relaxation & rejuvination.
On my second day I went for a walk discovering the windey paths, shaded under plant growth alongside the asequia (stream).
Later I helped to clear this stream as we had serious water shortage issues. Brian has written about this, but besides that problem, it is amazing to behold this incredible water system created by the Arabs hundreds of years ago.
They hand dug into the mountain & created channels to route the water from the source, & created various rivers to bring the water for irrigation of the land, that sunseed still use.
The poza (pond) is a central place for sunseeders to swim & cool down during or before siesta, and be NAKED (if they choose) – it’s so lovely & liberating! It just feels so natural. It’s crazy how our bodies are such a taboo in conventional society.
Although this is such a beautiful place, it is bittersweet, as this used to be a fully flowing river that served the people & nourished the land. The village “Los Molinos Del Rio Aguas” means “mills of the river”. Now there is barely a stream where less than 40 years ago there used to be several mills situated along the river.
I’d have to say my experience with Siggy, Etienne & James at one of the caves is one of the most profound experiences I’ve had. It’s like when you’re a child & you have a genuinely new experience. We went in quite deep until there was no light or sound. It was completely dark & silent. We didn’t intend to meditate exactly but it was just the natural thing that happened. It was a really healing experience for me. I felt my body relax & expand into the darkness. It was really liberating. The ego was put in sharp relief & I could see what was trivial & what was “important”, if such a thing exists! I really loved having so little stimulus & it made me re-evaluate what I really need. I felt so content. What an honour to find myself in such an inspiring healing place!